Online Education and E-Learning
The global education market has topped $4.4 trillion and continues to grow, with the fast growing sector being e-learning, making the global demand for education resources in other languages extremely high. Even if your organization isn't international, the immigrant population is growing rapidly in the United States, so the need for translated materials is everywhere.
Many organizations are taking advantage of this opportunity by offering their materials digitally due to increased productivity, decreased material costs and many other factors. This can be seen in public education as well as in company training, certification and assessment programs.
Zab will help you translate all of your resources including courses/curriculum, interactive activities, video/multimedia instruction, assessment, and otherwise, including helping you deploy them to your Learning Management System (LMS). We will also not only translate your material properly, but will make sure that it properly fits from a cultural perspective for the target audience.
For more information on how we can quickly give you a complete, customized solution for the translation of your e-learning materials, please see our E-Learning and Corporate Learning Overview.
K-12 and Higher Education
ESSA compliance now requires that schools must communicate information to limited English proficient (LEP) parents in a language they can understand about any program, service, or activity. (For more information on ESSA/LEP requirements, see:
Everyone deserves an education. In particular, nothing is more important to the future of our world than the education of our children. In the U.S. alone, the Population Reference Bureau estimates that about 45% of children younger than five are minorities and that 23% of all students have at least one foreign-born parent. Nearly 20% of the nation’s population age five and older also speaks a language other than English at home. These changing demographics have critical implications for education.
You might imagine how resources in other languages can help solve this problem in preschool education, the education of English language learners (ELL/ESL), communication with parents that don't speak English, assisting teachers and administrators that instruct these students, and in many other areas.
We want to contribute to this important effort by helping you ensure that your resources are reaching students, teachers, parents, and administrators in a manner that will be most effective for them.
Because some of your materials may contain sensitive information, we also offer solutions for certified translations and information handling that meets FERPA/HIPAA requirements.
The global education market has topped $4.4 trillion and continues to grow, with the fast growing sector being e-learning, making the global demand for education resources in other languages extremely high. Even if your organization isn't international, the immigrant population is growing rapidly in the United States, so the need for translated materials is everywhere.
Many organizations are taking advantage of this opportunity by offering their materials digitally due to increased productivity, decreased material costs and many other factors. This can be seen in public education as well as in company training, certification and assessment programs.
Zab will help you translate all of your resources including courses/curriculum, interactive activities, video/multimedia instruction, assessment, and otherwise, including helping you deploy them to your Learning Management System (LMS). We will also not only translate your material properly, but will make sure that it properly fits from a cultural perspective for the target audience.
For more information on how we can quickly give you a complete, customized solution for the translation of your e-learning materials, please see our E-Learning and Corporate Learning Overview.
K-12 and Higher Education
ESSA compliance now requires that schools must communicate information to limited English proficient (LEP) parents in a language they can understand about any program, service, or activity. (For more information on ESSA/LEP requirements, see:
Everyone deserves an education. In particular, nothing is more important to the future of our world than the education of our children. In the U.S. alone, the Population Reference Bureau estimates that about 45% of children younger than five are minorities and that 23% of all students have at least one foreign-born parent. Nearly 20% of the nation’s population age five and older also speaks a language other than English at home. These changing demographics have critical implications for education.
You might imagine how resources in other languages can help solve this problem in preschool education, the education of English language learners (ELL/ESL), communication with parents that don't speak English, assisting teachers and administrators that instruct these students, and in many other areas.
We want to contribute to this important effort by helping you ensure that your resources are reaching students, teachers, parents, and administrators in a manner that will be most effective for them.
Because some of your materials may contain sensitive information, we also offer solutions for certified translations and information handling that meets FERPA/HIPAA requirements.
Please refer to our Solutions ▶ or contact us ▶ to discuss options to release your products and resources into other languages.